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Reworking Your Communications Strategy

While the world seems like it’s turned upside down right now, it’s critical for you to stay in touch with your customers, members or target audiences. These people are your reason for being, so checking on their welfare just makes sense.

Consider this: Studies have shown that holding hands can help people synchronize their physiology and actually lessen physical pain. While you don’t usually hold clients’ or constituents’ hands — especially now — letting them know you’re concerned for their welfare is authentic and appreciated.

How to Reach Out

So, how should you reach out? Let’s go back to the pain example mentioned above: If someone was suffering, you might offer a pain reliever, some ice or your grandmother’s favorite folk remedy. In other words, you come through with resources in response to the circumstance.

What resources can you offer your clients or association members now? They could include:

  • Webinars with information from your legal advisors.
  • Links to information on small business loans or grants.
  • Advice from others in similar industries who have found creative ways to sustain their businesses.

What else would you do for a friend who is hurting? Part of dealing with a crisis is emotional. Is there something your organization can do to lift spirits? While keeping in mind the gravity of the situation, you could:

  • Share feel-good stories of people making the most of their time at home.
  • Explain how your industry has weathered storms before.
  • Offer to connect your experts with clients who have questions.

Sending Your Message

Creating a strategy for your messaging is always a good idea. Although given that circumstances seem to change daily, planning ahead can be challenging. Once you’ve outlined a content schedule, decide where you will share messages. Your blog, website homepage, email lists, social media or even press releases are all viable options.

If your organization has been forced to cancel live events this spring or summer, consider hosting a virtual event. In the scramble to shift to this new type of venue, don’t forget to plan promotional messages through all of your communication channels.

Keep in mind that your clients are still busy during this time, perhaps more so than ever. You don’t want to over-communicate. But resist the urge to go radio-silent in the face of this all-encompassing situation. This is your chance to create and share goodwill.

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