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Build Customer Trust

Honor all promises  My mom always told me “never make a promise you can’t keep.” This is true with the business world too. A key to building customer trust and ultimately customer loyalty is honoring all promises you make. You must choose your words wisely when giving...

Sometimes We Have to say “No.”

We always want to help our customers and we always listen to everything they propose, but sometimes we need to tell our customers “no.” Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a “know-it-all” but I’ve been around the block a few...

Make Your Customers Feel Special

Whether you manage a small, family-owned business or a corporate headquarters, getting to know your customers and their needs is vital to creating customer loyalty. Whether you need to write down names or collect business cards, getting to know your customers on a...

Ready, Set, Get Your Business Growing!

There’s no better time than the present to grow your business; and effective marketing strategies shouldn’t cost you a fortune, they should earn you fortune. Timing is everything when it comes to marketing; so don’t look at selling your business like you view a...
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