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Company Credibility

More than ever, consumers are becoming wary — skeptical even — of advertising. How many ads alongside web pages are barely glanced at because consumers feel there’s a “catch” involved? Do you personally ever look at any of the overwhelming number of emails trying to get you to buy something? As our society continues trending toward a faster paced, online culture, how do you make sure that your company’s credibility is trusted?

Rather than advertising more, consider public relations to build trust.

One of the many advantages of public relations is the perception that the words on the page or online aren’t bought but actually written — and with some research and facts involved. They are seen as legitimate and credible.

But how does the media decide what to write about? Often, it’s what PR folks pitch them!

If you don’t have a PR campaign, consider one. Don’t know where to start? Call us, and we’ll help you get started.

After all, your company credibility depends on it.

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