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Dear Diary: Today I Hosted a Seminar I’d Been Putting Off for Two Years!

Virtual meetingDuring these unprecedented times, we may feel that we are treading water in some aspects of our lives. We may feel unable to be productive or to move forward. However, in some aspects of our lives, we can actually take advantage of more downtime, doing things we wanted to do but never had the time for before. And I’m not just talking about new cookie recipes.

Have you ever wanted to host a Q & A about your company to a target audience? Or offer training for a client, but could never get enough attendees due to everyone being pulled in different directions? Well, now is a time those attendees may also be getting to things they didn’t have time for before.

TSN thrives at hosting virtual meetings. Whether you’re a current client of ours or want to become one solely for this service, some advantages of TSN hosting your next virtual event are:

  • TSN manages the process from start to finish, providing personalized service for each event to meet your specific requests and needs.
  • TSN’s online video platforms for creating, organizing, sharing and measuring engagement of multimedia presentations can be delivered to any device, anywhere in the world (using the popular Zoom and Knovio).
  • TSN’s online meeting platform allows for both interactive sessions and lecture-style events.
  • TSN records your event so you can continue reaching your target audience long after it’s over through on-demand viewing.

TSN manages these events start-to-finish, including the technology, so presenters don’t have to worry about that while presenting. It also saves you money and time, even for the attendees, versus attending something in person. And when TSN steers the event, it gives you many more presentation capabilities.

Thinking beyond the typical webinar, TSN’s capabilities include hosting press conferences and livestreaming events. With TSN hosting, we will also add to your value through:

  • Sending reminder emails to all registrants at pre-determined times, including one hour before.
  • Scheduling and conducting a 30 to 60 minute pre-webinar walkthrough to ensure everyone involved is able to use the technology and the event runs without issue.

Since it’s recorded, valuable content can be edited into digestible chunks and shared via social media, email campaigns, etc.  — multiplying the marketing bang-for-your-buck and shelf life of this seminar.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, why risk it? Save money for you and your attendees now and when all of this is behind us. And, why not check one of your goals off your to-do list?

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