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Dreaming Does Matter

In my kitchen, I have this painting of an oak tree. The tree stands tall and proud with its branches spread wide, alone in a green pasture. Every now and then it catches my eye along with the saying on the bottom. It’s a short phrase about “Living Life” by Bonnie L. Mohr.

In one of the lines, it says, “Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be.”
When I’m not working, I spend more time in my kitchen than any other room in my house. So it seemed fitting that I placed this painting there as a reminder to live my life, run my business, envision the present as I would dream it.
If you’re going to succeed in life and in business, act like it. Dress for success even if you work from home — you never know who may stop by. Don’t complain when your phone rings off the hook or when you calendar fills up with deadlines and appointments — be thankful that people depend on you. Don’t look at it as being ‘busy,’ view it as being ‘in demand.’
Multi-task. Get organized. Prioritize. Be professional and polite. Show compassion. Honor your promises. Be prompt. Stay true to your morals and values. Focus on the ‘win.’ Work hard because success wasn’t born from laziness.
So when I pass by that painting and see the inspirational words, I remember that it’s important to believe in yourself and your capability to achieve every dream with the resilience of an oak tree.


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