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Give Back and Gain Big

As business owners, my husband and I support numerous causes, including Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation to promote pediatric cancer research and various breast cancer research organizations. We enjoy donating to community organizations and supporting local events as well.

So why am I telling you this?

The feeling we get from giving back is reward enough for us, but supporting these causes has actually benefitted our business, too!

Charity events are extremely valuable networking opportunities; so don’t leave your business cards at home when attending these events. Take the opportunity to branch out and meet new people. Having folks associate your business with a charity that is close to their hearts will reflect positively on your company.

Keep in mind that the money you spend at charity events is tax-deductible so don’t be afraid to dig deep. Many charity events offer advertising opportunities through program books, banners, logo placement, etc. You can donate your services or products to an auction to raise money for a great cause while promoting your business to hundreds of people in your area – or even thousands, depending on the local or national media coverage that might occur.

By hosting a charity event at your corporate location, your business will gain increased exposure. Customers who might not otherwise stop in will now have a reason to visit your place of business. By hosting an Alex’s Lemonade Stand at our business, we drew in so many new faces from our community and have seen these people not only return, but become loyal customers since this event. Sometimes all it takes is to get them in your door.

Supporting a charity is a win-win situation. So get out there and find a cause that is important to you. I bet you’ll be rewarded – personally and professionally.

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