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Increased Customer Value

The other day I was getting my hair done. After the color application and processing came my favorite part of the service…the shampoo! You see, at the salon I go to, the experience is more than a hair cut. It’s like a mini spa getaway complete with a head massage, conditioning masque, warm eye pillow and sugar-scented hand lotion. Oh! And I forgot to mention the massaging recliner that makes leaning your head back into the shampoo bowl not the typical break-your-neck-and-back experience that I’ve experienced at other salons.

The other day it hit me just how well they increase the value of my hair service with these little add-ons that make the whole experience more pleasurable.

And it got me thinking—how can I add something simple to my own business to bring enjoyment to my customers? What could I offer to increase their value?

The best way to gain answers to questions like these is to ask your customers. Be sure to ask those folks that never became your customers, too. What can your business do to make their lives and/or jobs easier and more enjoyable? What small changes will bring you new customers — make your existing clients more loyal?

Perhaps it’s a slightly different product, or a service you never thought to provide. Even if it’s something as simple as a warm eye pillow and hand lotion, look for ways to continually increase your customers’ value. Or call us, we’re full of ideas to help you get started.

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