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On-Demand Viewing: Reach a Wider Audience

On-Demand Viewing (ODV) can help you maximize travel dollars and resources and help you reach a wider audience. For example, in October 2011 Roy W. Willis, President and CEO of the Propane Education & Research Council gave a very impressive presentation at the Governor’s Conference on Energy in Richmond, Va.  I’ve seen Mr. Willis give dozens of presentations and I think this was one of his best.

So how can Mr. Willis reach more people with this same content?  It’s easy.  By recording Mr. Willis making the presentation we were able to  synchronize his slides allowing us to create an “On-Demand” viewing experience that even allows viewers to ask questions by email or by SMS.

Now, instead of this presentation reaching a few in can reach hundreds without Mr. Willis having to travel around the state.

Do you have a great presentation you need hundreds to see? Call us, we’ll help you get started.

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