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Picking a Vocus Favorite

At TSN we use Vocus to do a ton of great things and I love finding ways of using this software system to help our clients stretch their communications budget. There are so many cool features and products to discuss but I have a confession. I have a favorite Vocus product and it’s PRWeb.

PRWeb is an online, search engine optimized, multimedia press release that we use in conjunction with a traditional email press release. I believe it can be one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. These releases are posted online and can include images, supplemental documents, video and direct access to our clients’ websites.

In addition to the success we’ve had using these releases, I enjoy the challenge of trying to find the best keywords to maximize the visibility of a client’s press release in search engines, or even the best image and caption to ensure a release is found in an image search. A great product with all the options to maintain a presence in a constantly evolving, multimedia world – it’s no wonder I love these releases!

Do you have a great marketing or communications tool that you love to use? Let us know or give us a call so we can make Vocus and PRWeb your favorite too.

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