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When it Comes to Website Design, Form Follows Function

True or false: Really cool websites sell more product.

That’s actually false. Websites don’t sell product – great products, and great marketing, are what sell. Of course, great content on a website is an important part of the inflection point.

Take a look at the websites for Amazon and Apple Inc. Neither look particularly “cool” –really, both are pretty much black and white. They don’t use the flashiest colors or slick animations. But they do use clear, concise content along with images that make you feel like you’re actually in a brick-and-mortar store. Most of all, they are highly functional and easy to navigate.

So what does all this mean if you’re thinking about launching or refreshing your website? The answer is simple, and time-honored: Form follows function.

What do you want your prospective customers to do when they arrive at your website? And remember: “Buy stuff” is a superficial answer. No, making it as easy as possible to engage with your brand should be your objective. That means site design, including page interconnectivity, is paramount, along with the copy you produce and the images you select. Get that right, and you’ve just made it a whole lot easier for customers to find what they are looking for, stay longer, come back, and ultimately spend more.

Once you have your website goals hammered out, get out a piece of graph paper and sketch out a preliminary design. Think through your functionality, and the “look” will suddenly become apparent.

From there, it’s a matter of coding and launching the site, which is where My CloudHosts comes in. We started My CloudHosts to provide affordable, reliable and fast web hosting designed especially for small businesses and associations. We’ll even help you design a website that meets your objectives.

Want to learn more? Contact us at 844-55-CLOUD (25683) or email us at

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