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Sarah KesterAs a research analyst, Sarah specializes in collecting qualitative and quantitative data for TSN Communications. Her project work includes conducting in-depth interviews and telephone surveys, as well as reviewing, collecting and reporting on a variety of data.

Prior to joining TSN, Sarah coordinated a local food procurement program for University of Montana’s Dining Services and managed their overall green business practices. She also worked as a program manager for a food processing facility, where she focused on client services, community outreach and marketing. In addition, Sarah’s love of adventure and the great outdoors led her to work with the Department of Society and Conservation at the University of Montana. As a social science researcher, she conducted visitor-use surveys in Glacier National Park, Montana, and Chaco Canyon National Historical Park, New Mexico.

Sarah is originally from North Dakota, but has called Montana home since 1999. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Rural and Environmental Sociology from the University of Montana in 2007. She resides in Missoula and is grateful for her amazing community and the wealth of recreational opportunities that abound.

Sarah Kester
Research Analyst

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