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Know Your Own Company

In my last blog, I introduced you to my uber-salesman, Sayid. He was always prepared for our meetings, and knew his product and the services his company offered like the back of his hand. You see, preparation is more than just knowing your customers’ needs. It is learning about your own company, too. Whether you work in a sales department or an accounting branch, here are, in my opinion, a few facts you should know about the company that employs you.

The beginning. Who had the idea for your company? When and where was your company started? Personalize the story about your company’s founder, and tell it to your prospects.
Mission statement. Memorize your company’s mission statement. And if you don’t have one, write one. Even if you are a small company, it’ll help everyone keep on track to understand clearly the overall corporate goals.
Performance. People feel more confident when they do business with a successful company. Tell them your company’s strengths — with enthusiasm and personal anecdotes. Everyone wants to do business with a winner.
Number of customers. Many customers refer to the number of years they’ve been in business. What about the number of customers served? How many satisfied customers do you have? And if a customer has had a particularly positive experience, ask them to write up a testimonial you can use to generate more business.
Products and services. Do you know everything your company can and will do for a customer? It is often the extras that turn a prospect into a client. What resources are available that you may not know? What has your company done for its biggest clients?
The competition. Research your competition. Right now, spend 15 minutes learning the latest about the companies that compete directly against you. What do they offer that you don’t? What can you learn from them?
Now go do what you do, even better than before.
Or call us, and we’ll help you get started.
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