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The Value of Media Outreach

Ever wonder how some companies constantly get headlines in your local newspaper or are covered by your local news station?

I have a friend who owns a local business and we laugh because it seems as though she’s ALWAYS on the local news station getting coverage for her company. How does she do it?

She’s established a relationship with a news reporter at the station. Anytime the reporter wants a story or quote from someone in her industry, the reporter knows that my friend is a trusted source of information. And she makes herself available at all times, knowing media are often on deadline. My friend gives the reporter the news and information the reporter wants; in return, she gains coverage for her business because she’s often interviewed in front of her store or her business’ name is mentioned.

Don’t sit back and wait for a reporter to come to you. Reach out to the reporters in your town or city. Do a little background research that will help you establish a commonality or determine their area of interest. Brush up on their latest blogs or social media outlets to see what interests them personally too. Check out their pitching profile on a marketing and public relations software system like Vocus. These systems provide contact phone number, email and preferred method of communication, too. Then offer assistance in helping them develop a story about your business or product.

Don’t just follow the news, get out there and make it!

Or call us, we’ll get you started.

At TSN, we specialize in media outreach like this and have established valuable relationships with hundreds of media contacts across the country in various national, local and trade media outlets. We have also invested thousands of dollars into a PR distribution system, so you don’t have to. We even have a full-time Vocus expert on staff.

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